Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where has the time gone?

It's hard to believe that Fall is here. It's even harder for me to believe that my Summer baby is growing up so fast. He is just shy of three months old and I don't know where the time went. I was lucky enough to have 8 weeks of maternity leave to spend with my baby boy. And I enjoyed every minute of it. It just went by so fast. So here I sit, back to work full time so that I can be a contributor to our family.

I have to say that Greg & I were blessed with one of the best baby's there is. He is nothing but a joy to be around and we are told often. Something else that we hear often is "Boy he looks like his Daddy doesn't he?" This comment comes from family, friends and yes, complete strangers who never saw us before! I even asked Greg one day what it was like to have a mini-me? Of course he just smiled and I could just tell that he is proud to have his first born look just like him!

He has already passed a few of baby's first mile-stones. He is so alert and holding his head, smiling & laughing, and on the verge of rolling over. It's so much fun to see him learning new things and watch him grow in to this cool little man. Gage is starting to know when we leave & enter the room and he rewards us with some form of expression. You should see how much he adores his Daddy. Gage shows him daily with some of the biggest smiles and coo's! The picture on the left is a few weeks old already but this is one of his first smiles caught on camera!

Greg & I are the kind of people that can't stay in one place for too long and we weren't going to let a new baby hold us down! In the last three months we have taken Gage all over Pennsylvania, from North to South and East to West. Look for a different post with some photos of the places he has been and the people he's met in his short little life!

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